Walk Or Talk

Jacques and the Invisible Man are sitting at a secluded café nestled on the edge of a serene lake. The café is positioned perfectly to take in the breath-taking view of the shimmering water and the surrounding mountains, with the occasional boat bobbing in the distance.

The air is crisp and refreshing, with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the trees that encircle the café. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and the aroma of the Invisible Man's cigar intermingle, creating an inviting ambiance.

Jacques is dressed in a smart business suit, his shirt crisp and ironed to perfection, and his tie knotted impeccably. The Invisible Man, on the other hand, is dressed casually in a linen shirt and comfortable trousers. He exudes a nonchalant air, as if he is unperturbed by the world around him.

The Invisible Man, leans back in his chair, surveying the surroundings with a keen eye. His expression is inscrutable, and Jacques can't help but feel that there is something more to the Invisible Man than meets the eye. Jacques, is nervously fidgeting with his coffee cup, unsure of how to proceed with the conversation he knows he needs to have with the Invisible Man.

After some hesitation, Jacques finally confides in the Invisible Man about his anxiety about appearing intelligent and impressive at work. He shares how he spends countless hours preparing for meetings, crafting the perfect words and presentations, all to ensure that he is viewed as a smart and valuable employee.

Jacques speaks of how he feels that he must constantly be on top of his game, and how this pressure has become a constant weight on his shoulders.

The Invisible Man listened to Jacques, amused at his predicament. He had seen this type of pettiness before in the corporate world. But he also knew that it was a real problem for Jacques, yet it was a type of problem that lay only in the figment of one’s imagination, and could be resolved only by twisting the perception of the problem.

The Invisible Man took a long drag of his cigar and exhaled slowly, casting a thoughtful gaze towards the shimmering lake. He took another drag and turned to Jacques. "Have you decided what character you are going to play, have you?" he asked.

Jacques with a confused expression on his face asked. "What character am I going to play?" he finally asked, "Not sure I understand what you mean."

The Invisible Man chuckled, "That's the problem with you in general Jacques. You can’t recognize that the world is a stage and that we are merely actors in it."

Leaning back he continued, “And tragically for you, you haven’t quite chosen which character you want to play, which is why you are remain ordinary, regardless of how hard, how smart you walk and talk.”

Jacques still looking confused, shrugged, “I have no idea what you really mean by all that, the stage, the characters, or playing a character for that matter etc.”

The Invisible Man took his time, thinking as if he were downloading thoughts, or rather weaving thoughts so that Jacques could understand what he was talking about.

“All I know is the I really work hard, and practically all the time without any break!” exclaimed Jacques. “I rehearse my presentations, I keep up to date with all the latest financial news, while being on top of all the global trends.”

Hardly looking at Jacques, the Invisible Man continued drawing on his cigar, feeling sorry for Jacques, but without really giving away any expression. Taking a sigh, he said,

“And, isn’t that what everybody is doing? You colleagues have access to the same news, the same podcasts, the same data, the same magazines, the same information repositories. They read and follow the same influencers, and above all they follow the same 5, 10, 12, 20 etc principles of this and that.”

Pausing briefly for a few seconds to gently tap the cigar ash into the ashtray, he continued.

What edge do you really have then if you are regurgitating the same information in the same way as everybody else around you, who have also accumulated it from the same sources, and also delivering it in the same way, while also wearing the same clothes that you are also wearing. And obviously they are the same brands, and all of you got it from the same places as well.”

Jacques was leaning in, trying to absorb the train of thought.

“The problem Jacques, is the you don’t have a clear identity. Like all your colleagues, you are floating somewhere in the middle, and the middle is this, the place where you find yourself in, homogenous, omnipresence and unremarkable.” Chuckled the Invisible Man.

Jacques began to protest, and the Invisible Man dismissed it by saying “It is true Jacques, you haven’t done or said anything remarkable at work to merit any attention, other than  consume a lot of information which everyone has, and regurgitated it like a cow.”

“You are really a stupid cow, aren’t you? for expecting a different result by doing the same thing,” laughed the Invisible Man pitilessly.

“That is not fair!” protested Jacques. “What is one supposed to do??” he said, his face red with agitation.  

Walk like Khabib, or Talk like Conor, but for god’s sake, pick one, and do it damn well…” said the Invisible Man with a serious look.


The Invisible Man leans back in his chair, puffing on his cigar, as he begins to regale Jacques with the incredible story of Khabib Nurmagomedov. "A fighter who has rose from obscurity to become one of the greatest in the world. He is personification of an individual who chose to Walk his way to success"

Jacques leans forward, intrigued. He took a sip of his coffee, and look intently at the Invisible Man.

"Khabib's story begins in the mountains of Dagestan, a region in Russia that has long been known for producing some of the toughest and most skilled fighters in the world. Khabib grew up in a small village there, where his father was a wrestling coach. From a young age, Khabib was trained in the art of wrestling, and he quickly developed a reputation as a prodigy."

The Invisible Man went on to describe how Khabib's father had a rigorous training regime that he imposed on his sons from a very young age. Khabib started training in combat sports when he was just a child, and he quickly developed a reputation as a formidable fighter. The iconic video of him wrestling a bear still captivates his fans and haters alike around the world.

"Khabib's father had a very specific vision for his son's career," the Invisible Man continued. "He wanted him to become a world champion, and he knew that the only way to do that was through relentless training and dedication."

The Invisible Man takes a puff of his cigar, then continues. "Khabib's training was rigorous, and it was not uncommon for him to train for six or seven hours a day. But despite his incredible talent and his unparalleled work ethic, Khabib remained relatively unknown outside of Dagestan."

Khabib's father was a strict disciplinarian, and he expected nothing but the best from his son. "Khabib's training was not just physical, it was also mental," the Invisible Man explained. "His father taught him to be disciplined and to never give up, no matter how tough the going got."

As Khabib's skills as a fighter continued to develop, he began to make a name for himself in the local circuit. He won his first amateur MMA fight at the age of 17, and he continued to dominate his opponents with his impressive grappling skills.

"Khabib's career really took off when he signed with the UFC in 2012," the Invisible Man said. "He quickly began to make a name for himself as one of the top fighters in the lightweight division."

Khabib's rise to fame was not without its challenges, however. He faced several tough opponents, and there were times when it seemed like his career might be derailed.

"But Khabib never lost sight of his goals," the Invisible Man said. "He remained focused and determined, and he continued to train harder than ever." As Khabib's reputation as a fighter continued to grow, so too did his fan base. People around the world were drawn to his humble demeanour and his unwavering commitment to his craft.

"The thing that really sets Khabib apart, is his humility," the Invisible Man said. "Despite all of his success, he remains grounded and focused on his training."

As Jacques listened attentively, the Invisible Man continued his narration, moving on to the early days of Khabib's mixed martial arts (MMA) career. He explained how Khabib's unrivalled wrestling background played a significant role in his MMA success with one of his signature moves was his "ground and pound," a technique in which he would take his opponent down to the mat and deliver powerful strikes from the top position.

This move was a testament to Khabib's superior wrestling skills, which he had honed since he was a child.

As an athlete he simply chose to focus on his trade, his skill to provide him with an edge.

The Invisible Man took a deep puff of his cigar and began, "Khabib is a true example of humility. He is someone who focuses on his skill, rather than trash talking his opponents.

"His fight against Rafael Dos Anjos. Khabib was up against a formidable opponent, but he never once resorted to trash talking. Instead, he let his skill do the talking. He dominated the fight from start to finish, taking Dos Anjos down at will and controlling him on the ground. He won the fight in a unanimous decision, proving that skill always triumphs over talk."

"In his fight against Michael Johnson, Khabib faced an opponent who was known for his trash talking. But Khabib refused to be baited into a war of words. He stayed focused on his game plan and dominated Johnson, once again taking him down at will and controlling him on the ground. In the end, Khabib won the fight via submission."

"And let's not forget his fight against Conor McGregor. Conor is known for his trash talking, and he certainly tried to get under Khabib's skin during the lead-up to the fight, insulting his family, his religion, without any restraint.

But Khabib remained calm and focused, refusing to engage in Conor's mind games. And when the fight finally happened, Khabib dominated from start to finish, submitting Conor in the fourth round."

The Invisible Man took another puff of his cigar and continued, "Khabib's has chosen the character he was going to play in the game of life, and that was of a skilled tradesman, one who would simply let his Walk do the talking. He never resorts to trash talking his opponents to get ahead. Instead, he lets his unrivalled skill do the talking for him to achieve the results."

Or Talk

The Invisible Man leaned back in his chair and took a long drag from his cigar. "Now let me tell you about another athlete," he began. "another fighter who rose to fame in a different way. One who chose to Talk his way to success."

Taking a pause to savour the aroma and the smoke, he began to share his thoughts with Jacques about Conor McGregor, the notorious UFC fighter from Ireland. "You see Jacques, McGregor is a fascinating case study in the power of self-promotion and image-building. He's someone who has taken his brash personality, his quick wit, and his ability to talk trash to create a brand that transcends the sport he competes in."

Continuing, he added, “He was also born out of obscurity, but his natural gift for self-promotion took him out of the same obscurity to the top of the fight game in a matter of years. It wasn't just his skills in the octagon that got him there. It was his charisma, his trash-talking, and his larger-than-life personality that made him stand out from the rest. He did the provocative, he talked the controversial, he wore the ostentatious, he gestured inflammatory acts, among all others. He just threw all caution to wind in whatever he did, such that no one talk, walk, dress and do what he did.” 

He continued, "But let's start at the beginning. McGregor was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1988, and grew up in the working-class neighbourhood of Crumlin. He began boxing at a young age and eventually transitioned to mixed martial arts. His rise to fame began in 2013 when he signed with the UFC and began to make a name for himself through his impressive fighting skills and his ability to promote himself through trash-talking and showmanship."

The Invisible Man took another puff of his cigar before continuing, "One of McGregor's most famous fights was against Jose Aldo in 2015. Aldo was the reigning featherweight champion and had not lost a fight in over 10 years. McGregor had been calling out Aldo for months, insulting him and predicting that he would knock him out in the first round."

"He certainly talked the talk, but could he walk the walk?" Jacques interjected.

"Indeed he could," replied the Invisible Man. "In a stunning upset, McGregor knocked out Aldo in just 13 seconds, capturing the featherweight title and becoming an overnight sensation. But it wasn't just his fighting skills that made him a star, it was his larger-than-life personality and his willingness to promote himself at every opportunity."

The Invisible Man went on to describe McGregor's trash-talking antics in the lead-up to his fight with Nate Diaz, where he threw a water bottle at his opponent during a press conference, and his infamous bus attack ahead of his fight with Khabib Nurmagomedov, which resulted in several injuries and McGregor facing legal consequences.

"Love him or hate him, McGregor's ability to promote himself and his fights has been a key factor in his success, both in the octagon and outside of it," said the Invisible Man. "He's built a brand around his personality, his image, and his ability to entertain.”

The Invisible man then shared with Jacques Conor's success as a UFC fighter, which opened doors for him beyond the octagon. In 2017, he took on the legendary boxer Floyd Mayweather in a highly anticipated fight. The matchup was seen as a clash between two of the biggest names in combat sports, and it drew massive attention and revenue. Despite Mayweather's undefeated record and experience as a boxer, McGregor managed to secure the fight on his own terms, even leading the promotional activities ahead of Mayweather’s own promotion.

Jacques was listening with rapt attention as the Invisible Man transferred both of them from the idyllic lake they were sitting at to the glitzy, bling bling world of in Las Vegas. He added “Now you may not know but Mayweather until then had been powerhouse of self-promotion, a reference for every combat sport athlete around the world. And suddenly from nowhere Conor Mcgregor has emerged to replace him from that position. The press conferences were not what Mayweather was ever accustomed to. Conor had hijacked the publicity with his ostentatious and bizarre performance. He made Mayweather seem like one of his own opponents of the yesteryear, where they would sit timidly as Mayweather himself pulled the show.”

The fat, pudgy, yet pleasant waiter came to inquire if the Invisible Man and Jacques wanted something else. Both smiled, gesturing a no, as the Invisible Man returned them back to Las Vegas.

McGregor's success in promoting himself and the fight ensured that it was one of the most lucrative events in combat sports history,” he added, taking a sip of his coffee, “and, although he ultimately lost to Mayweather, the fight cemented McGregor's status as a major figure in both the MMA and boxing worlds.”

The Invisible Man took a long pause, as if to relish the day and look around. There were a couple of attractive middle aged women sitting a few empty tables across them, and they briefly exchanged glances with him. As Jacques turned to see what was going on, the Invisible Man interrupted him by adding, “McGregor’s talk had also reaped tremendous payoffs for him in the world of business. He had launched the iconic whiskey brand Proper 12, among a host of other initiatives, that continued to drive his value towards an upward trajectory.”

Leaning forward, the Invisible Man asked “But Jacques, the question remains, what path have you chosen to your success? Are you going to Walk, Talk or…?"

Jacques raised his eyebrows, “or…?” as if to ask the Invisible Man what other options existed, when the Invisible Man said with a glint in his eye“ or, simply float Invisibly to success”


Jacques nodded thoughtfully, taking in the lessons from both fighters' careers. He realized that there were different paths to success, and that choosing one while doing it well, or rather, doing it to the point of extreme was needed more than being somewhere in the middle.

He pondered some more, realising how average he has been while thinking he was doing something special by rehearsing, preparing, consuming all those statistics, trying to look intelligent. It all now seemed so pseudo-intellectual and mediocre. He even began to look at how he was dressed, and realised that there was nothing different than how his peers and competitors dressed.

As if the Invisible Man could hear Jacques thoughts, he interjected with a laugh, “Jacques, its not really what you wear, but how you wear and carry yourself, is what I meant.”

As the two men finished their cigars and gazed out over the tranquil lake, Jacques felt a newfound sense of clarity and purpose, even though he didn’t have an answer yet, whether he was a Khabib or Conor.

He knew that he impressing at job with flashy displays of intelligence or wit was still mediocre at best, because that is also what everybody was doing. He had to find that niche, where he could apply the skill which no one could apply or talk, the way no one else could talk.

The Invisible Man smiled knowingly, recognizing the change in Jacques. "You're starting to see things more clearly now," he said. "Remember, whatever you do, make sure you clearly choose between the Walk or Talk to success."

Aaron Gray

Aaron is the founder of the-invisibleman.com, a site dedicated to exploring the seven universal pursuits of men. A Swiss with a diverse background, Aaron draws from his extensive experiences as an investor, entrepreneur, professional athlete, and world traveler to cover topics ranging from masculinity, career, health, wealth, lifestyle and society.

Fluent in multiple languages and enriched by a global perspective, he provides insightful commentary on what it means to be a man in today's world.


Sneeze Of Death


A Warrior In A Garden